“The Bristol Warren Thrive by Five and Beyond (BWTB5B) is a group of 20 social service and educational agencies, faith organizations and individuals that serve families in Bristol and Warren. Since 2013, we have been meeting monthly to share information about our programs to better serve our families. We also run Parenting Workshops, Professional Development programs and Community Presentations such as the 2022 RI Kids Count Data in Your Backyard Event, at which over 50 community members came together to hear data about the needs of families in our community. In past years, we held six large resource fairs for the community, sharing resources and entertainment for approximately 800 people. This year we are pivoting to join other events to give us time to focus our attention on addressing issues and needs that arose from the Data in Your Backyard event. Our areas of focus are: Increasing Student Attendance in Preschool to Grade 3, Supporting the Mental Health and Wellness of all Children and Promoting Proactive Early Childhood Programs. To enable us to host some of these events and projects related to the areas of focus, we have been asking our donors to help support our work. Bristol Rotary's Charities Foundation has donated $2,300 to help pay for workshops, website work and toolkits for schools. We thank Bristol Rotary for their support and look forward to working with them and our other generous donors.”
Below on the left, Emily Pearce-Spence, & far right, Donna Ramos Razza (BWTB5B); center Elizabeth Habecker (Bristol Rotary).