On December 3, Bristol Rotary held their annual fundraiser to fund donations to over 20 local charities that the Club supports every year. Fun was had by all and just as important, through the generosity of donors and participants, our goal was met and exceeded. Click on Read More to see how to apply for a donation. 

Bristol Rotary's Charities Foundation sends donations in April after review at the April Giving Board Meeting. Donations are also considered through-out the year based on the timeliness of the need. To be considered for a donation go to the Rotary Website (bristolrotaryclub.com/) and on the left, under Download Files, click on New Project/Donation Request Form, down load it and send it in or give it to a Rotarian. To be considered for the April Giving event, please send it in before March 31.
On the other hand, if you would like to donate to the Foundation - so you can "Help Us Help Others," - go to the Website and click on the "Donate" button at the top of the page. There you will see a summary of who Bristol Rotary has helped over the years.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!